Gravity's Rainbow

Gravity's Rainbow

1973 • 760 pages


Average rating4.1


As I said before there are books and there are Books. This is a Book.

This is nothing that can read through with only half your brain active. This needs your full concentration. A complex multi level story with an english level some other authors should really take a note from. A wonderful read, but a really hard read. There are parts where I really had to re-read some pages because I just got completely lost somewhere in sub metaphors and other side tracked part.

But when I was in the zone, the pages just ran by. It was wonderful. I fully enjoyed, especially as it did not suffer from the often problematic Book ending that often has either no end or some really shitty end. This End was great.

Would I recommend this. Well, are you willing to work when reading? Like be really concentrated. Are you willing to not 100% understand what actually is going on and are you willing to accept that you probably will never be able to decipher all the meanings in there. Well, if yes, then go for it.

If not, I think skipping this is better than forcing yourself through this book.

I truly enjoyed and I will read further novels from this author. Wonderful.

May 18, 2017Report this review