Hacked Hearts

Hacked Hearts

244 pages


~WRITING - PLOT - PACE~ This turned out to be such a sweet story. Jade Webb is a new (to me) author, so I wasn't sure what to expect going into this one. So many books lately have been less than stellar, and it worried me this would be another one. Our first introduction to Diego left a lot to be desired, but I'll get into that more in the “hero” section. The writing itself was quite good. This author has a very enjoyable ease to her writing. It was also well paced considering it is on the longer side page wise. The plot was engaging, and as I mentioned sweet. The synopsis lead me to believe this would be a romantic suspense novel, and it kind of was, but the romance between Mia and Diego took center stage, leaving the suspense aspect a little underdeveloped. Last, the ending felt a little rushed and I would have loved to have seen this couple get an epilogue. 

DIEGO...Diego started out a little rough for me. I think the author went a little too overboard on the manwhore borderline alcoholic details. A hero that sleeps with anything and everything and needs his older sister to come get him after he pukes all over his shoes because he is drunk AGAIN doesn't make the best first impression on a reader. However, even with all that the author somehow managed to make him celibate for months. shrug  Anyway...despite the rough beginning I quickly warmed up to Diego. He was a great hero. Sweet. Funny. Sexy. Loyal.

MIA...I loved Mia right from the start. She was just such a likable character. Geeky. Funny. Sweet. Wore her heart on her sleeve. Feisty. 


This book was super low on secondary characters. That said, Diego's sister and her husband intrigued me a lot. I wouldn't mind reading a book about their romance.

MEDIUMISH...This couple doesn't even meet face to face until just over halfway through the book. There are a couple phone/video sex scenes before they physically meet that were hot. Once they meet we get a few more sex scenes, and they were suitably spicy. 

LOW...this one was super low angst and very insta-lovey. Neither were virgins. It is never mentioned how long the heroine has been celibate, but since she hasn't been out of her apartment for eight months, I will go with that. The hero was a HUGE manwhore, and we get a couple scenes of him (right at the beginning) with other women hanging on him, but “little Diego” took a siesta a few months earlier so it is mentioned he hasn't slept with anyone for a few months as well. There is also zero OW or OM drama.

Did I enjoy it? Completely!    
Was it perfect? Almost. There were a couple things here and there (like the heroine's changing hair color) that I thought could have been better executed, but overall it was a very enjoyable read.
Would I recommend it? 100% YES!    
Who would enjoy this book? I think most readers would enjoy this story. I would also say this would be considered 100% safe by those that worry about that type of thing.  


December 9, 2018Report this review