Average rating2
The cover of this one is actually very good. Great representation of the hero. Great composition. Interesting title work.
The first half or so of this one was good. I enjoyed the writing. The pace was fairly good. I loved the comradery between the friends. I wasn't a HUGE fan of the heroine, but she certainly wasn't the worst I have ever read. Although I found it extremely unlikely that some scared little mouse would go from a victim of severe domestic abuse to an MMA fighter in a few weeks.
But then around 60% this book took a nose dive and became over the top ridiculous. Bailey is fighting like a lunatic with the police that goes on to cause riots. Back talking to a judge. Ex-girlfriend drama. Baby mama drama. Cartel connections. An eye rolling twist that made me lose all the respect I had for the heroine. Not that I had any left considering she believed that the hero killed his baby How can you claim to love someone but take the word of a crazy ex??!! Add in the fact that this late in a book I should have been feeling more of a connection between the H/h than I did. This went way downhill quickly, and I had to force myself to continue.
The drama llama was strong in this one, and that is what ultimately led this one to only getting 2-Stars from yours truly.