Beggars can't be choosers and this was free but ... some breathing room to develop the characters and their backstories would've done wonders for this little tale. As it is you can just read it as PWP and ignore all of my comments (nothing wrong with that) or you can read it and hope the author develops the story in a future novella, or you can feel a wee bit icky. YMMV.If you're looking for any kind of tenderness look elsewhere. This is about raw, immediate, sometimes actually painful domination. I don't mind that. To each their own, whatever gets your ya-ya going, and all that. It just seemed like Mr. Andrews more than rushed Logan into a Daddy/boy relationship with very little talk and it's not like they met at a play party where everyone knows what they're there for. In a way he's almost abusing a trust. I don't mean to be a party-pooper but I always ask myself how I'd react to a story if it were M/F and this one would be tricky. Also Trevor's reaction, and the story in general reminded me of [b:Mine 27517044 Mine M. Caspian 46629831] which ... didn't work out so well for me.Anyway you can ignore all of my blather and enjoy 20-odd pages of good smut.