Average rating3.9
There's just something delightful about a simple romance novel. Not one of the bodice ripping, period novels that my mom loves and likes to call her ‘smut' books, but just a book with a bunch of romance and a fun story to follow along. I don't have to analyze anything or wonder who the killer is. I just get to read and enjoy.
I also like these trilogies of Roberts's because there is the cast of strong, but flawed females who hold each other up and encourage each other along. The trilogies are great because you get to stay with all the characters for a bit longer without going on over decades with a never ending series.
Kate is the bristly one of the trio. Always with a smart remark and a scathing glace. You know she has emotions, but she doesn't really show anything but impatience. We find her here, slightly vulnerable and wounded as Margo found herself in Daring to Dream.
A light, predictable read for the most part, however there is some mystery setting up the next story so it's not completely vanilla.