Average rating3.5
I just finished this one and it was pretty wow. The main character eats books (literally, page by page) and has some major rage issues. I highly recommend this for fans of [b:Burn Our Bodies Down 52748041 Burn Our Bodies Down Rory Power https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1573588170l/52748041.SX50_SY75.jpg 72451374] and [b:Daughters Unto Devils 18748653 Daughters Unto Devils Amy Lukavics https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1427733043l/18748653.SY75.jpg 26633790]. I loved the relationship between Ruth and Jane, until Ruth got weird. I was a little frustrated Jane seemed to have no urge to explore the house, the grounds or the town. I get that she was depressed, but who wouldn't want to check out the second floor of the house you are now living in? This book does not hold back-it gets evil. It would have been a five star read except I got mildly frustrated that Jane could not connect the obvious dots and we, as the reader, were drug along for a couple of chapters in the wrong direction of the secret behind the evil of the house. That said we have:a haunted house a small town with a secret that everyone knows (except the main character)decent examples of teen girls not being mean to each othera cool coffee shopbook references!Halloween!!!!and spooky rose bushesOverall, a good read!