A History of the Greater United States
Average rating4.4
Maybe this quote from Pedro Albizu Campos typifies this book most eloquently: “The Yankees are interested in the cage but not the birds” (p.346).
How to Hide an Empire is a book about a USA that is details a history mostly hidden from the average US citizen, at least the ones who live on the mainland. It points to the quiet hypocrisy of our history: a nation dependent on “new” territory for its existence and at the same time denying the occupants of said territory of the freedom instantiated as the highest values of our society. In escaping the abuses of monarchy, we embraced the methodology of imperialism. Campos' quote finds its most revealing expression in this statement from Henry Kissinger responding to concerns regarding Micronesia and nuclear testing fallout:
“There are only 90,000 people out there, who gives a damn?”
p. 350
Beginning with our own colonial beginnings and tracing its effects to our most recent presidential politicians, Immerwahr traces this hypocrisy. In a time when our current conversation politically and nationally surrounds the way we have characterized ourselves historically, this book convinces me of our need to talk frankly about our history especially as it relates to our identity narrative. The need for country wide responsibility for our nation's actions is an act of necessary self-reflection.
Read the Full review: https://thetempleblog.com/2022/01/24/book-review-how-to-hide-an-empire/