Average rating4
~Check out all my reviews over on The Bent Bookworm!~ Hunted is the second in the Spirit Animals series, and is written by one of my favorite authors of all time - the amazing Maggie Stiefvater! In fact, when the library was missing (of course) their copy of the second of the series, I didn't hesitate to buy a copy for myself because I was so sure it would be awesome. 3.5/5 stars, rounded to 4. I was mildly disappointed. It's not a BAD book, by any means, I just wanted so much more from the characters! I feel like we are barely getting to know them as they traipse all over the world doing all these different things - which all keep getting interrupted. The plot WHIZZES along...which I think will be very good for the young middle-grade readers the series is aimed at. I thought we'd left the horrible, sniveling Devin behind in the first book, but oh no! He comes back. Somehow bullying pre-teens are much scarier to me than even literal backstabbing adults. I actually felt sick during some of the scenes with him, he's just so hateful! Our quartet is off to find another reclusive Great Beast, to ask to borrow its talisman to use in the fight against the Conquerors coming from a far land. The Conquerors have a powerful new weapon in their quest to control all of the known lands - a replacement for the Nectar, the Bile, which forces the spirit animal connection. Along the way all sorts of things happen...choices are made. I like that the characters make kid-style decisions, they're not adults in kids' bodies. Of course some of the choices cause problems...but hey, that's what happens.Finn is an new character in this book, and I am SUPER intrigued by him, especially after what happened in the very last scenes of the story. Even though he's an adult, I feel like we will see a lot more of him. The ending is, as one might expect, a cliffhanger - and QUITE a cliffhanger at that! The ending and Finn are what made we round this up to 4 stars. I'm immediately picking up the next one.Blog Twitter Bloglovin Instagram