In Your Arms


Average rating3


I initially chose this book because I quite like books where the couple is already married. Mainly because 95% of the time it means there won't be any OW scenes or OW drama. Just couple angst. Leave it me to get a book that fell into that 5%...sigh. There was WAY too much OW stuff for me in this one. I get the author wanted to give us some background into what happened with them before they married, but I so didn't need to hear details about Carter's multiple OW. Almost every past chapter had some sort of OW drama in it. I think the author could have explained things without all the pointless details about how some OW sucked his dick etc. And don't even get me started on Felice...oy vey. All of the unnecessary OW stuff had the unfortunate result of tarnishing the connection I felt with this couple in the present.

The other issue I had was that the synopsis led me to believe this was going to be a book about a couple who were having marital issues and that would be the bulk of the angst. However, the majority of this relatively short book is spent telling us in flashbacks about how they got together. Very little page space is given to their present situation, and when we do get to some of the present stuff, it is just glossed over, and basically just used as a segue to more “past” chapters. So I was disappointed by that aspect as well.

Still, it wasn't a bad book by any means. It just wasn't what I was expecting. I think instead of marketing this as a “marriage in trouble” book the author would have been better served to have made this a story about this couple's romance and had them happy and married in the epilogue. That's just my 2 cents.

February 15, 2019Report this review