Average rating4.2
Short Review: I have read all of Rachel Held Evans' books. This is probably my favorite or maybe second after her first. Inspired is really a book about hermeneutics, how to read the bible, for people that do not use the word hermeneutics. One of Evan's real skills is taking academic theology and presenting it for lay people. This is a needed pastoral skill.
Inspired is a constructive book. She has had some complaints about the questions and deconstruction of her other books (I don't think it is bad to be deconstructive at times), but this is clearly a book that is attempting to build.
As with any author, I don't agree with her take on everything here, but this is a solid book. My favorite part is the discussion of Jesus' parable and his incarnation. Her passion and faith really show there and I think that those that are not fans of hers particularly need to read that section.
My longer review (nearly 1000 words) is on my blog at http://bookwi.se/inspired/