Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

1998 • 160 pages


Average rating3


Everything is wrong in Joey Pigza's life and it seems like there is nothing Joey can
do to fix things. His grandmother, left to raise him after his parents disappeared, treats him cruelly.
Joey can't seem to sit still or stop getting in trouble. Then Joey's mom returns and he desperately
wants to get his life in control. But, still, Joey continues to sharpen his own finger and to swallow his
house key and to cause problems on the class field trip. It is only after Joey goofs up worst of all,
only after Joey cuts off his classmate's nose and is sent to a special school, that Joey meets a teacher
who shows Joey how to get the help he needs. This book takes a reader right inside the mind of a c
hild with ADD. It's a painful book to read at times, but it feels very authentic.

January 1, 2004Report this review