Johnny Hiro, a hardworking busboy, lives in Brooklyn with his flighty but lovable girlfriend Mayumi. Every day, he struggles to make ends meet while fighting giant monsters, running over rooftops from crazed waiters, fending off businessmen-turned-samurai, or having the occasional conversation with Judge Judy, Coolio, or Alton Brown. With Fred Chao's signature style and laugh-out-loud humor, Johnny Hiro presents the quirky trials and misadventures of a modern-day hero trying to find his slice of the good life. This delightfully absurdist romp through the trials and chores of living in New York was nominated for four Eisner Awards, including for best new series, and for the Russ Manning Award. It was selected for the anthology Best American Comics 2010. Prepare to be blown away by the greatest adventure of them all: being an adult. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
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