Cover 4




Average rating3


3.5 stars

This is the second trilogy I've read from Linda Chaikin, and I noticed a few patterns:

1. Her settings are superb. This, in my opinion, is what she does best. I felt like I was in historical India, Spain, England, even Burma. It was very well researched and enjoyable to read.

2. She writes suspense well. The plot was extremely fast paced and there was lots of danger. My heart has literally pounded while reading each of Ms. Chaikin's books.

3. The writing is okay. There were some parts that felt awkward and stiff to me. In my opinion, it could've used another go-over from an editor.

4. The romance is somewhat problematic. This was my biggest problem with both this and the Egypt trilogy. Both of the main guys have been brooding and mysterious, difficult to get to know. And the girl falls for him and (spoiler) marries him, despite not knowing him much at all. It bugs me enough to bring down my enjoyment level, and thus the rating.

I think there were some good things about the trilogy, and if it sounds interesting to you, feel free to give it a try. The settings alone make it a fun read.

April 27, 2019Report this review