Kiss of the Irish
2017 • 178 pages


Average rating3


This cover is OK. No pierced nipples so not a really good representation of the hero. There is also a tad too much text on this cover it pretty much overpowers the whole cover.

This one was cute. Nothing earthshattering but a straight forward sweet romance. It was well written and nicely paced. No OW/OM drama. Not really any angst to speak of. Had a couple interesting side characters. Both main characters were fairly likable. Cian was a hot tatted up and pierced Irish lad. He was sweet and all in from the start. Sarah was a little less likable. I don't mind heroines with self-esteem issues but good lord this chick needed to grow a backbone. She gets better as the book moves along, so there is that.

The sex scenes were a little on the “meh” side and there really wasn't a lot of them. In fact, I don't think they actually have sex until close to 60% in. Which leads me the oddest of issues (the sex scenes). At the beginning, Cian is described as having a facial piercing, pierced nipples, and a pierced penis. Great fanfare is made about his piercings (eyebrow and nipples) by the heroine, but when they have sex, NO MENTION is EVER made of his penis being pierced. Since she was so enamored by his other piercings one would think that one through the head of his penis would have rated at least a single acknowledgment! Go figure...

Lastly, I HATED the ending of this one. Talk about abrupt. Good lord this needed an epilogue in a major way. Even with those issues I still enjoyed it so it get a thumb from yours truly.

April 28, 2017Report this review