Lean Out: The Truth About Women, Power, and the Workplace

Lean Out: The Truth About Women, Power, and the Workplace



Average rating4.5


I haven't finished Lean Out yet, but I will. It's an eye-opening read on why the structures that women are expected to fit into in Corporate America just aren't working.

Any woman who has ever worked in a corporate setting knows the drill. Want to lead? Be more like a man. But then we're penalized for being “too aggressive”. So, the system expects us to act one way to climb the ladder, but then holds it against us when we try to move up. And what about those of us who have no desire to be management, but who find ourselves on a “move up or move out” path?

Orr speaks to these situations with personal anecdotes and solid research. She explores the reasons why the current system isn't helping to close the gender gap, and why it actually does women in the workplace more harm than good.

I'm looking forward to reading the entire book, and I expect I'll read it more than once.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't actually like.

September 12, 2019Report this review