Average rating3.8
Olivia has a dream and she finally thinks she has made it when she gets a intern position at the olympics. When she arrives in Greece she finds out that her position was filled by a white boy of priviledge and her dreams are dashed. Not willing to accept defeat, she offers to take any intern position in hopes of being indispensible and gettingher plan back on track. She wasn't prepared for Zeke....
Zeke is an athlete. He doesn't talk aboyt the traumas of his life and keeps everyone at a distance but he keeps running into, literally running into, Olivia and there is something about her that opens him up to facing the things that have closed off his heart.
It was super cute and I loved the concept of the olympics. It wasn't so much about the racing but about what happens behind the scenes and the things that athletes have to contend with to be the very best.
I really enjoyed that Olivia didn't take the hand she was dealt lying down and got what she was owed.
I thought the writing was great, narration was excellent and a seriously great all round book
4 stars