Lost gods

Lost gods

2016 • 489 pages


Average rating3.9


DNF at 70%.

I have to be honest in connection with Brom, I am just not all that impressed by his stories. Sure, they have some interesting ideas, but so far the two I have read (or attempted to read) were... not really anything I care about all that much. Krampus was fun for Christmas, as it was very different from what we usually get around then, but this... No. It just wasn't really interesting to me.

The man's art is lovely. I find it interesting enough, with its dark elements and all. The books, though, they just seem to be too long to keep me interested. Brom seems to be good at somehow creating a moment of absolute dread, of messed up shit, but to me it's all just too much in a way that bores me and makes me feel slightly ridiculous. Not the type of a thing that I enjoy all that much.

In this one a troubled young man gets his girlfriend pregnant and they run away to his mysterious grandma. Which... ends up with the guy being murdered and having to go through purgatory for a mission to have a chance to save his girlfriend and their unborn baby.
Even just that premise sounds a bit like it was just intended to shock me as much as possible and I really hate when an author does that. It usually uses cheap tricks (like pregnant women) to make us all feel the dread, which to me always ends up being lame enough to make me roll my eyes. A bit of that is happening here, even though it is far from the worst example.

Does anyone else notice that the dude in Krampus was also a down on his luck, petty criminal in the South who tried to win back his family or something? At first that was nice enough, a bit different, but now I just couldn't help comparing the two book and wondering if this was all Brom could do. Probably not, I hope not, really.

At this point I don't feel like finishing it, though. It's far from absolutely horrible, but it is taking so long to get ANYWHERE that I feel like I have no time for this. I was expecting something more, something that was a bit less slow. I simply couldn't really get excited about it and right now, when I need my fun times to relax. In a less busy time I would have probably finished it, but right now I simply feel like I have too little time to waste it on books that don't excite me.
I wasn't really making any progress and already started reading the second Monstrumologist book by Yancey, so it's safe to say this already lost me. I prefer leaving before it becomes too much of a chore and I get into a real slump.

Good night and oh my gods, I need some fun now!

December 1, 2016Report this review