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Love and Rockets

Love and Rockets: New Stories #7

2015 • 100 pages

One of the most important comics of all time. The Hernandez brothers have been regularly releasing annual additions to this book since its inception in 1982. Originally published as a science fiction “zine”, this book has long settled into its characters, aging them in real time. Maggie and Hopey, now nearing middle age, reunite to attend a punk reunion in their hometown. Old feeling are brought up, and they both discover the kind of people they've grown to be. I'm still lagging a bit behind on the Gilbert stories, but it was nice to see Jaime experiment with the zine format in this one. He uses different stories to cross-cut between past characters, and even squeezes in a tale about a supervillainess escaping from a space prison.

February 28, 2015Report this review