Love in a Broken Vessel
2013 • 448 pages

My former statement remains true; Mesu uses scripture as a baseline and then adds possible fiction to the storytelling to bring the names to life and gives them form and face in imagination. It causes you to want to go back and delve more. Love in a Broken Vessel is not just a story trying to explain a story, but it's another layer deep. Yes it is about Hosea showing Gomer what true love is like as an example of of God's love for the nation of Israel, but through Mesu's words of putting ink to paper it is also Christ's love for his every creation. Through the facets of human love as well as immortal love, never ending unconditional love.

Gomer has such a personality that jumps off the page! She is so independent and has fit herself into a mold to show a face of bravery when she is really just so terrified of everything that is and could be. Never shown certain things before, so why should she believe all this change just because Hosea says it's so? Hosea has been raised in the truth and seems to have a direct communication with God, so why should we expect him to struggle? Every page is filled with a bit of surprise as well as interest that keeps things going. While my heart is not completely as enraptured as it was with Love's Sacred Song, I'm still captivated by the ideals of Biblical Fiction coming to life right off the pages in a possible what-was retelling.

Thanks to Mesu and Revell for providing a copy for review.
“Available March 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Don't forget you may want more and to go back and read Dinah's story in Love Amid the Ashes and Arielah and Solomon's tale in Love's Sacred Song. Love's Sacred Song is amazing! That book had me by the heart and held on. Oh, and there is also an interview from March 2012 with Mesu from the archives!
