Magic for Liars

Magic for Liars

2019 • 336 pages


Average rating3.6


I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for that, Bookish First!

This book was not at all what I had built up in my head. The back of the books says MURDER, MYSTERY, MADNESS, MAGIC. So in my head I had this wild ride of a book. And it really wasn't and I'm not mad at that at all, shockingly enough.

Ivy Gamble is a PI and she gets hired by a school to solve a murder. The problem is that she's never solved a murder (Her job is more cheating spouses and insurance scams). It's a high school for young mages. And it's where her estranged twin sister teaches.

What caught me off guard was how much in Ivy's head I would be. She lives in her head a lot and I can really relate to that. Her sister is magic and she is not and that, along with some family trauma, ripped them apart at a young age and they never really mended the rift. She sees herself as less than..almost all the time. When in reality she's not bad at her job.

Since Ivy and her sister Tabitha grew apart in their teens (with Tabitha going away to a magic high school), Ivy wanted to know nothing about magic. So she had no idea what to expect when she arrived at the school. And it wasn't at all what she expected and at times it seemed to make her angry. While there she also built up this double vision...The Now Ivy and the Could Have Been Ivy. The If I Had Magic Too Ivy. This Ivy Is Worth It Ivy. She really did sell herself short.

The author also did a great job with the rest of the characters. Ivy is the center of the story but that doesn't mean the other characters were lacking. Not at all.

This was a great debut. I am definitely going to keep a lookout for this author.

May 30, 2019Report this review