2016 • 132 pages

ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Super Short - Super Hot.

I enjoyed this one for what it was. A short and sexy read.

Rex claimed to be a DOM, but he really needed to work on those skills because he came off as more of a “wannabe” Dom, than an actual one. Still I rather liked him in all his “monster cock” glory.

Rebecca gave me whiplash with all her back and forth behavior towards Rex. How hard is to have a CONVERSATION before jumping to conclusions?? Apparently extremely hard in this book.

The plot felt a bit rushed. There was A LOT going on apart from the romance of the main couple. Most of which was never resolved in a satisfactory way. A lot of loose ends, with a rather abrupt ending.

All that said, this gets a solid 3 stars from me because it did keep me interested enough to keep turning the pages.

June 25, 2016Report this review