Mistletoe and Mr. Right
2020 • 328 pages


Average rating3.5


It is a joy to revisit Moose Springs, Alaska, when reading Mistletoe and Mr. Right. In the first book in the series, The Tourist Attraction, the reader is introduced to Lana Montgomery as a secondary character. In this second book, Lana is the main character and experiences her own love story that both challenges and grounds her.

This story follows the budding relationship between Lana Montgomery, the wealthy woman who has invested in Moose Springs' development, and Rick Harding, local bar owner struggling to keep his business afloat. Though the majority of the town despises Lana and her money, Rick sees a side of her that he feels is worth loving. I find the two characters likable and fun. Their encounters together involve a good bit of humor, which I enjoy. Though they are very different, they are well-suited to each other because they balance each other. Rick is especially endearing due to his kind and gentle nature. His heart has been wounded, but he is willing to open himself up to love again.

My favorite aspect of the book is definitely the setting. Moose Springs, Alaska is a quirky and charming small town with a lovable cast of characters. I am excited to return there when the next book in the series is released.

The plot progresses at a good pace and keeps the reader engaged. There are a few plot instances that are a bit farfetched, but I find them quirky and fun rather than annoying. There are some things I would change about some events at the end because they seem cliched or unnecessary, but overall it has a solid and satisfying plot.

I really enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend it to readers who enjoy small town settings and charming characters.

December 3, 2020Report this review