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‰ЫП‰ЫчPerhaps we are sound at heart. That is said of people who are unusually unpleasant.‰ЫЄ
‰ЫчWhy is it said of them?‰ЫЄ
‰ЫчWell, they are clearly sound nowhere else, and we cannot see the heart.‰ЫЄ‰Ыќ‰ЫЄ
‰ЫП‰ЫчThere is probably nothing like living together for blinding people to each other,‰ЫЄ said Francis.
‰ЫчIn the case of Mrs. Pettigrew and myself time has added to our mutual understanding. But I must not adduce my own experience as typical.‰ЫЄ
‰ЫчEverything adds to understanding,‰ЫЄ said Alice. ‰ЫчThat is why people seem better when you don‰ЫЄt really know them, and why new friendships are often best.‰ЫЄ
‰ЫчNow that is an attempt to be cynical,‰ЫЄ said Mr. Pettigrew.
‰ЫчAnd a successful one,‰ЫЄ said Francis.‰Ыќ