Mr. Naughty List
2019 • 338 pages


Average rating3


When you think you're going to read a fun Christmas story, with a dash or a bucketful of kink, and then remember it's [a:Leta Blake 6425833 Leta Blake] style BDSM. It is fun, romantic, and there's definitely a HEA, but you'll be surrendering your pound of flesh. No worries. The aftercare is on point. If you read [b:Mr. Frosty Pants 42734237 Mr. Frosty Pants (Home for the Holidays, #1) Leta Blake 66389443] you heard about Aaron Danvers a.k.a. Mr. Danvers, Joel, Casey, and RJ's former high school teacher. Due to ‘reasons' he is now teaching middle school, a bit on the fussy, or on the prissy side, but when his pressure cooker of a life gets too be too much he likes to cede the reigns to someone else. The problem is he can't really do that, not at home, not openly, because he's not out or so he thinks. He makes do with anonymous hookups that leave him unsatisfied. An early Christmas miracle is set in motion when he gets stood up by TWO potential dates, and meets R.J. These two, despite their outward differences, and possible roadblocks, are perfect for each other. I like how the author uses the frame of a hook-up-for-the-holiday story to explore the wider aspects of both character's lives, their families, how assumptions are subverted, how despite their individual doubts or fears, these two young guys were able to talk out their expectations, take a leap of trust and grab for a HEA. I like that their bedroom roles didn't bleed into their outside lives, and I loved how honored, grateful, and respectful RJ was of Aaron's submission. He's a Dom I can like without ifs or buts. Merry Christmas.

December 16, 2019Report this review