My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Eat Me!

My Boss Is a Grumpy Werewolf and I Think He Wants to Eat Me!



Average rating4


Fun, sexy and quick read that was much better than what I expected from the tittle.The story takes place in some alternate world fairly parallel to our own save for the fact that werewolves are out and about and accepted in society after years of fear and discrimination. Cole is a human who has a werewolf BFF and through her he gets a job as a writer in a wolf owned lifestyle magazine. If we know anything about wolves is that once they catch the scent of their mates we're off to the races and it's no different here, however the writer does have nice voice and makes Cole funny, geektastic, and fearless even when he's scared out of his pants and Evan, the Wolf, isn't some macho mine mine brute but rather a guy in lust and later in love who tries to woo his mate in ways big and small. This is Evan upon first seeing Cole:“The moment the guy had walked into the room, though, Evan's nostrils were assaulted with his scent. It was a weird combination of sex and freshly baked donuts. It had made Evan want to f**k him and lick him.”Safe to say Krispy Kreme is ruined for me.Another Evan POV: “They had the image being modern-day werewolves. They did brunch and wore fancy suits, but deep down, they were wild things that could never be tamed.”I also liked that the issues had nothing to do with being gay or wether the couple acknowledged they had feelings for each other. In fact they had no issues but the normal “getting to know each other” and any conflict was external. I mean Cole doesn't even pull the demure “oh spend no money on poor little me” on the contrary, when Evan gets him a rather expensive gift this is his reaction: “He didn't exactly feel bad that Evan had spent what he was sure was a lot of money on him. He just felt like he was supposed to feel that way. In fact, he was actually okay with it.” How refreshing!So yea. I liked it. It had a bit of a [b:Twilight 41865 Twilight (Twilight, #1) Stephenie Meyer 3212258] vibe but way better and with adults. There were a couple of what I want to think of as typos but not enough to ruin the good humor of the thing.I would check out more stuff from this writer. ;-)

July 19, 2016Report this review