My Name Is Not Alexander

My Name Is Not Alexander

2011 • 32 pages


Average rating4


In September last year I introduced you to an awesome book of inspiration (New York Times Bestseller) My Name is Not Isabella, and now there is one of the male influence with Alexander! I absolutely love the Isabella book and I really do like this Alexander book. Same artist but geared toward a different audience I have to admit I prefer the Isabella book, but then I am a girl and mother of a girl. Yet in the same manner through out the day the inspiration that this little boy thrives on is amazing. Going through so many important characters of history this little guy's imagination keeps him going places and going strong.

This is great for anyone, for homeschool or any bookshelf for great educational value and encouragement for a bright future.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for providing a copy for review.

Originally posted:

March 1, 2011Report this review