Average rating3.5
This book was SO wild. I love it when a thriller gives me everything it says it's going to give me in the summary. This book delivered everything I wanted; unique perspectives on life-threatening situations, constant flipping back and forth on who I think is actually doing it, AND a little romance thrown in which is always doubly fun when it's between two people who have very interesting moral compasses.
This really did keep me guessing until the very end. There were moments where I was absolutely sure I knew who did it, and then moments where I leaned one way or the other every other second. Suffice it say I figured out who did at the exact moment the MC figured it out too. I don't know if I'm ecstatic about who the killer was but it was written well, so I can't really complain.
I can't speak much on the representation of psychopathy in these books because I've never really looked into it personally, but it was definitely interesting to see a thriller/horror from the perspective of people who think just differently enough from you that it has you constantly on edge. I was truly watching through my fingers at some points because I just couldn't tell what they were going to do next. I actually surprisingly really liked how they ended this book. To keep it as vague as possibe, it ended in a way I don't usually like for books, especially thrillers, to end, but I think it fits this specific story, so I'm happy with it.
A wild ride overall, for sure.