Cover 3

Night Cry

Night Cry

2021 • 144 pages


Average rating3.5


Rating: 3.4 leaves out of 5
Characters: 3.5/5
Cover: 4/5
Story: 3/5
Writing: 3/5
Genre: Graphic Novel/Fantasy/Paranormal
Type: Ebook
Worth?: Kinda

Netgalley and the publishers has let me read it for an honest review. The graphics were lovely and I enjoyed the faceless girls. We get that girls are missing from the town but all they do is continuedly repeat that. The main girl is kind of dreadful and I wanted to connect to her in some kind of way but wasn't really given the chance till the very end. I am hoping there is a second volume because even if this volume didn't give much of any info maybe the second one will.