Normal Christian Life
Normal Christian Life
Short Review: This was a free audiobook from It was originally published in 1957 in English but based on a series of lectures from 1938-39. Mostly it is a commentary on Romans. And there is a lot of good stuff about how we live as Christians. But also there is some odd stuff here. Nee does not fit nicely into theological categories. So he sounds like a calvinist when he talks about grace, he sounds like an arminian when talking about dying to Christ, and he clearly has pentecostal leanings. The first section was primarily biblical discussion about the relationship of grace and law. The second section was mostly about dying to Christ (although fairly vague). And the last section was mostly about how to live now that we have been freed by Christ's death and resurrection. This was the most useful section. The book was a bit repetitive. But I am glad so many have found it helpful.
My full review is on my blog at