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The story of the Cleaver Family as narrated by one of the three sons James.
A strange book that never held me as much as I expected after a riveting first couple of chapters. At times the writing absolutely enthralled me but the plot less so. Plot? More family history with stream of conscious narrative thrown in. The main focus of attention has Cleaver families past, present, its land and its wealth explained. What is Oceana Fine? It is a high grade of wheat. With that the author's descriptive prose gave me as the reader a sense of the wide open fields that stretched and the endless blue sky as an entity as big as the universe. But the fantasy that was inserted seemed to meander to the point I was lost in its point as to the plot. I get why this would have won a Miles Franklin Award back in 1990. The judges, I could imagine, would have found the prose a challenge up their alley. Sadly not mine. I wish it was otherwise. Maybe a reread one day would be more rewarding?