Pretty Little Liars


Average rating3.5


I decided to review these as a set (#1-4), because they are much better as a set than individually. If you're going to read the first one, you need to at least read to #4. Otherwise the storylines are not even close to resolved. It reads a lot like a TV series if this was one season. Each individual book ends with cliffhangers and nothing really wraps up. You just have “clues” to the overall story.

The overarching plot is interesting, but some of the minor plots seemed too rushed and not fleshed out enough.

I hate most of the characters (not that they are badly written, just not likable). Of the 4 main characters only one is actually a decent person. And somehow, with their 8 parents, the best parent is the adulterer who moves out of the house halfway through. It's a little unbelievable how terrible the parents are (though I guess how terrible they are partially explains how the teenage girls are so ridiculous).

It's nothing ground breaking, but a fun, easy read. I'm in my 30s, so clearly not the target audience. I think it would be a fun and interesting read for someone in their teens as long as they knew it was not at all rooted in reality.

March 1, 2024Report this review