Princes of Earth

Princes of Earth



Average rating2


This 1978 sf adventure story features a teenage school-leaver as its main character, and is presumably written for young people, but it's competently written and moderately entertaining, up to the point where it suddenly comes to an end in the middle of the story.

True, one phase of the story has just ended, but the story as a whole seems both short and unfinished, and I feel we've been left hanging in mid-air. Evidently Kurland planned to write more at the time, but his plans were derailed in some way, and he's never since felt the urge to go back to it.

Kurland completists may welcome this publication, but anyone buying it should be aware that it's more of a fragment than a complete novel. And, although it's amiable enough, it's not truly wonderful.

I like Michael Kurland and some of his other books, but I was expecting a complete novel here, and I feel disappointed with what I got.

April 4, 2014Report this review