Promise Boys

Promise Boys

2023 • 304 pages


Average rating4.5


The audiobook version of this absolutely slaps. It's mixed media in written form with articles and multiple POVs, but the audiobook is a full cast production with sound effects and just works really well.

Promise Boys follows three teens who attempt to clear their names after they are suspected of killing their principal. Considered troubled teens who were regularly on the wrong side of their principal, they had motives to off him and weak alibis which made them easy to accuse. Condemned by their peers, they work together to try and find who the killer actually is.

The mix of POVs can be distracting in some books, but really worked in this one where you could hear their individual voices. Promise Boys is also fast-paced and incredibly readable (I got through it in about 2 and a half hours), with twists and turns as the mystery is unfolded.

February 17, 2023Report this review