Average rating3.9
Everleigh Blair ist die neue Königin von Bellona, doch ihre Probleme fangen gerade erst an: Täglich muss sie sich mit arroganten Adligen am Hof auseinandersetzen, die ihre Hände insgeheim nach der Krone ausstrecken. Als wäre das nicht schlimm genug, versucht ein Auftragsmörder, Evie in ihrem Thronsaal zu töten. Evie fragt sich, ob sie stark genug ist, um ihrer Rolle als Herrin des Winters gerecht zu werden. Während sie darum kämpft, ihre Magie, ihr Leben und ihre Krone zu sichern, verliert sie auch noch ihr Herz an Lucas Sullivan, den unehelichen Sohn des andvarischen Königs ... Und es stellt sich heraus, dass es nur eine Sache gibt, die noch schwieriger ist, als eine Königin zu töten: Einen Prinzen zu beschützen. Starke Heldinnen: YA-Fantasy in Spitzenqualität Vor allem eines zeichnet die Young-Adult-Serien von Jennifer Estep aus: Die amerikanische Autorin hat ein besonderes Talent für starke Heldinnen. Everleigh Blair, die unerschrockene Protagonistin der "Splitterkrone"-Reihe, zeigt sich auch in diesem Band kühn, aber nicht unüberlegt, stolz und gleichzeitig pflichtbewusst. Ein echtes Vorbild nicht nur für junge LeserInnen! Binge-Reading mit Jennifer Estep, einer der fleißigsten Autorinnen der Welt Bereits der erste Roman der amerikanischen Autorin Jennifer Estep war ein voller Erfolg: "Karma Girl", das den Auftakt zur "Bigtime"-Reihe bildete, entwickelte sich schnell zum Bestseller. Seitdem hat sie mehrere Romanserien konzipiert und darin über 40 Romane veröffentlicht. Wer einmal Fan von Esteps Welten geworden ist, muss so schnell also nicht wieder damit aufhören. Binge-Reading empfohlen!
Featured Series
3 primary booksCrown of Shards is a 3-book series with 3 primary works first released in 2018 with contributions by Jennifer Estep.
Reviews with the most likes.
I loved this as much as the first one. The only reason it isn't 5 stars is because of the predictability and the amount of romance. That being said, I still love this series.
I love these characters. I love the magic.
These are just fast-paced, fun reads. I can't wait for the next one.
I only can say that I once more was surprised with the lengths and deeps of Jennifer Estep in creating credible imaginary worlds, plots of mystery and revenge, strong characters with all the emotions that we all experience one way or another.
Crown of Shards is undoubtedly an excellent series that I recommend for all readers that love the paranormal/supernatural/magic/warriors/action/adventure/love romance - juvenile/YA
Yes friends, YES! If you're the type of reader who is always wary of the second book in a series, and whether it will be a good follow up, rest assured that Protect The Prince has you covered. After falling madly in love with Evie, Sullivan, and the whole cast of the first book, I was terrified that this second book would fall short of what I hoped for. I desperately wanted more intrigue, more magic, and I was ready for a little more spicy romance. As it turns out, I got all of that and more!
As the end of the last book reminds us, someone always wants to kill the queen. So not only does Evie have to navigate her new role as the regent of her country, but she also has to continuously thwart plots to assassinate her. Thank goodness that she's such a badass character! My favorite part of the last story was watching Evie grow from a woman with quiet strength, into someone who could take down a whole army if it would protect those she loved. That's the woman who is presented on these pages, and the one who we see mature even more. Being a queen isn't easy, and Evie learns that the hard way. I loved that Estep didn't let her fall into the role and lose herself but, rather, Evie molds that role to her personality. It was a beautiful thing.
Oh, and the intrigue! Most of this book takes place in Andvari, and that is a thing of beauty. If the last installment left you hungry for more of Sullivan and his background, here's your chance to get you fill. I loved learning about him, his place in his home, and his family members. Where the plot could have gone very simply here, as Evie works for treaty with the king, it ended up being a whole vivid tapestry of events. There is poison, there is unrequited love, and there are trysts that will make your eyes wide and your heart beat faster. Since Estep didn't smash romance between Evie and Sullivan into the first book, which I loved, I was actually really ready for some heat between them. It was delivered, my friends. It was delivered, and it was scorchingly hot.
It was also so impressive how much world building came about in this book, seemingly without effort. There are no large descriptive paragraphs, or information dumps. Still, magically, the world of Andvari opened up in front of me with all of its lush gardens, ornate rooms, and vast hidden spaces. It got to the point where I was so invested in the nobles, and in castle life in general, that I actually forgot for a moment that poor Evie was still figuring out why she was a “Winter Queen”. When that reveal came about it was exciting, and unexpected, and just all kinds of perfect. Everything in this book is so well woven, that it's a joy a read.
Look, Kate Daniels has long been my favorite female character but I think that Evie is set to dethrone her if things keep up as they are now. I love her fierceness, her deep love for those around her, and the fact that she's willing to give up everything if it means her people survive. Estep has me hooked. I admit it. Now I'll have to impatiently wait to see what happens next.
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