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Average rating4.3


This book is a good start for a person who hasn't read any book about financial literacy (For a target audience I think this book is a solid 4-4,5 stars) since it delivers what it promises - a short and comprehensive overview of personal finance principals. Which can incentivise you to seek out more in-depth literature on the subject. It does provide a bit of historical context but it feels kind of slow in the beginning, getting the pace back at the middle and finishes on a quite interesting historical overview. I enjoyed the personal stories, but it feels like we could use more historical events mixed with quotes from some of the successful individuals, some chapters were too focused on only one aspect making the balance uneven. 
The author personally is very humble in the last chapters regarding the personal perspective on his finances. For me it is a one time read which was a little below average since I most of the underlying ideas were already familiar to me (Narrative-based spending, controlling the time as the wealth of 21st century, compounding effect and others). 

January 20, 2024Report this review