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3.5 stars
I picked this book up with no expectations really since I haven't read that many books in the sports rom genre. I will say that I did enjoy this book mostly for the ridiculousness of the FMC and the MMC for his consistency in asking for consent. There were some things that rubbed me the wrong way but it didn't deter me from finishing the book.
What rubbed me the wrong way at times and may deter others:
- The FMC's constant ridicule and shaming of hockey team fans, most specifically female fans. They were referred to as “puck bunnies” and the FMC's favorite term: “hockey hookers”. This made every female other than the FMC, her friend, and the team's family members into essentially attention seeking whores, sluts, and any other creative insult she could think of.
- Her constant yes and no with the MMC. What I mean: she says one thing but does another and regrets it. But does it again and then when it should be shown that she knows who he is (the MMC) as a person he makes a mistake (pretty big one, I'll admit) but she acts like “I was right the whole time”. Which means, she was just waiting for him to mess up.
- She (FMC) was pretty obnoxious to an extent and immature. Especially surrounding the MMC's “MC” or appendage. Though to me, her utter ridiculousness as a character did make me laugh because I never expected a character like her. Considering how the author wrote her, I would say they both have pretty strange imaginations and perhaps no filters.
So, it's not the best book that I have ever read but it was pretty good for an easy read though it lasted longer than I expected. A lot of the portrayals of people or concepts were OTT. But nonetheless, I mostly liked it for the side characters and the MMC. So I will definitely continue the series just to see their stories.
BTW I am not an expert critique or anything. I honestly find most things people hate to be funny and/or enjoyable, even if it's stupid (to them or just in general). Just letting anyone who reads this know.