Average rating3.6
“Your time is a finite and dwindling resource” pg 10
“Plot is the artificial reduction of life's complexity and randomness” pg 62
“The truth is savages should always eat the anthropologist” pg 67
“I realized that my fear of exposure didn't stem from shame, or even the importance I attached to my little secets, but from their inconsequence.” pg 81
I went into Red Pill knowing nothing about it. This is why I love the Tournament of Books, I would never have picked this one up without some urging. Just the Matrix-infused title alone put me off, but I picked it up.
Quite honestly, it is the most Gen X thing I have read in a long while, and it was really refreshing. Our narrator walks around with an impending sense of doom. He tries to make sense of life through art and literature. It doesn't work out so well for him.
Monika's story was amazing, and I almost wish she had her own book and that I'd been reading that.
At one point, I said aloud (to no one), “If Anton turns out to be Tyler Durden, I am throwing this f-ing thing across the room.”
YMMV but, to me, Red Pill stabbed at the idea of there must be more to this existence despite an ingrained belief that existence is meaningless. It's easier to believe it is all a construct. We are doomed either way. How do THEY know what chicken tastes like, anyway?
“What if the reasonable reaction is endless horrified screaming? pg 192. Exactly!
Here's some chipper advice from the therapist, “Accept that might have conventional horizons, that conventional things could make you happy. Stop asking for life to be a poem.”pg 207
Sure! Toe the line. Don't' make waves. Eat your quinoa bowl and be happy about it.
Honestly, Red Pill reminded me that we are all heroes for not going insane (outwardly) every day.
Also, to relive the 2016 election night in the final chapter- when finally something happens to wake others up to the panic of existence the narrator is battling, was blood pressure destroying. Too soon, maybe?