Reflected In You

Reflected In You


Average rating3.5


I had been totally swept away by Sylvia Day's first instalment of the Crossfire series, loved the story of Eva and Gideon and their torrid an passionate love affair. I couldn't wait for more in instalment 2.

At points this book really lived up to the first, it was sensual and romantic and wonderfully erotic but then in others it read like a teen romance novel. It was on, then off, then on, then off again. Eva and Gideon blew hot and cold and then lukewarm. It would sizzle for a chapter then the heat and pace would stall and fizzle for a chapter.

It is more a book to drive a plot but instead of doing so openly it is all about Gideon telling Eva to trust him and wait, which we do so until almost the very last page and then it stops abruptly, book over. Thanks for waiting Eva & reader but we are all done here it's time to wait for book 3.

Don't get me wrong I am still loving these more than Fifty Shades and find the romance and erotica much more real than James's constant references to Anastasia biting her lip as Christian thinks about sparking her. This is more sensual, less obvious and better for it. The middle book of Fifty Shades had more pace though and left you truly begging for the last instalment, with this I am a bit more ‘meh, I need more action next time'

Worrying thing is I've read reviews on book 3 and they appear to have dipped on book 2 so I'm hoping that I'm not going to be disappointed in it?

July 12, 2013Report this review