Cover 6

Relationship of National Socialism and Christianity

Relationship of National Socialism and Christianity


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This is an excerpt of a intra-party memo prepared by Martin Bormann. The memo was uncovered by the OSS as part of its investigation into the Nazi Party as part of the Nuremberg trials. The memo was part of the evidence used against the Nazis.

It has become conventional to link the Nazi party to Christianity for modern political or rhetorical purposes. The late Christopher Hitchens made it part of his typical indictment of Christianity.

But Hitchens never mentioned Bormann.

This Kindle book allows limited copying, but the quote I managed to copy has Bormann explaining:

“National Socialist and Christian concepts are irreconcilable. Christian churches build on uncertainty of human beings and attempt to preserve the uncertainty of as wide segments of the population as possible, for only in this way can Christian churches keep their power. As opposed to that, National Socialism is based on scientific fundamentals. Christianity has invariable tenets, which were set up almost 2,000 years ago and have crystallized in dogmas incompatible with reality. National Socialism on the other hand must, if it is to fulfill its job in the future, always be organized according to the latest knowledge of scientific research.”

Bormann, in fact, sounds a lot more like Christopher Hitchens than Jerry Falwell. This is understandable. Nazism emerged out of the occult tradition and fancied itself progressive and scientific. Bormann represented that feature of Nazism. Given his control of the levers of the Nazi Party, that aspect of Nazism might have become the aspect that might have prevailed if Germany had won World War II.

This is a very short text. You can probably find it online as part of the evidence for the Nuremberg trial. For me, the price is worth it just to have it readily at hand.


June 22, 2018Report this review