Righting Our Wrongs
2018 • 90 pages

I thought going into this one I was going to get a hero that groveled (the synopsis lead ME to believe that), but that isn't what I got. Instead, I got a hero that acted like a whiny butthurt child. Should the heroine have told him the minute she found out? Yes, but people, she only waited TWO days to tell him. Not two months! He acted like she had been keeping this HUGE secret from him.

I also get people say things in the heat of the moment they don't mean, but she is back after four months, and he STILL was placing ALL the blame on her and acting like a child. The heroine had to shoulder all the responsibility for the breakup AND do all the chasing to get him back. And DO NOT even get me started on that biatch of a sister of his...like WTF?! Someone needed to throat punch her!

December 9, 2018Report this review