Ring around the Rosey

Ring around the Rosey

2019 • 410 pages

This book was SO right up my alley. Creepy plantation house. Weird going ons. Kinky sex games. Mysteries. Freaky dolls. Twists and turns...and so much more. This review will be super vague because I don't want to give any of the plot away, but I LOVED every (almost) minute of this book.

So deets...I found this book to be well written. I am not normally a fan of third person narration, but it worked well in this case. I had a small issue with the pace. It is a fairly long book, and I felt that the story got bogged down at times with some unnecessary scenes (more about that below). However, I never lost interest or felt the need to skim. The story itself was interesting and quite unique. It had a great cast of characters (I LOVED Tommy). It had a lot of hot sex scenes. Last, it was all wrapped up in a fantastic (if a bit rushed and far-fetched) ending.

The only other issue I had (apart from the pace) was the hero having a daughter. That aspect didn't feel organic to the story. She was cute and all that, but for me the hero having a child didn't work with the overall feel of this book. It just didn't mesh well with the tone of the plot and rubbed me the wrong way on a more personal pet peeve level. (lol) I think if hero had been childless the pace (and to some extent the plot/romance) would have been better and raised this up to a 5 Star rating.

However, even with those small issues this was still a cracking good read. And it gets two thumbs up from yours truly.

May 20, 2019Report this review