Scar Night
2006 • 550 pages


Average rating4.1


The first ummmmm what 200+ pages was sooooooo slow, here the author starts to introduce his characters (Dill the last of the battle archons, this world's version of an angel, Rachel Hael, spine with a heart, the author's version of an assassin, Carnival a bad angel, and my favorite of the lot Devon the villain, I am not sure if he is the main villain but this is just the first book.
Ok, the story Iril the despot goddess of this realm, was challenged by her son Ulcis, although Ulcis won, he was struck down, hence the big hole where the city of Deepgate is located, in honor of their fallen god, the people sacrifice their dead to enable Ulcis to keep Iril at bay.......and in comes the aforementioned characters......

January 24, 2015Report this review