Sh*t I Say to Myself: 40 Ways to Ditch the Negative Self-Talk That’s Dragging You Down

Sh*t I Say to Myself

40 Ways to Ditch the Negative Self-Talk That’s Dragging You Down

2022 • 200 pages

I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to read an advanced reader's copy of this book through Netgalley. Katie Krimer's words were like a big bear hug. I feel like an hour-long talk with her would be a transformative experience. There was a sense of comfort that arose as I read this book.

I am a firm believer that everyone can benefit from a self-help book simply by the nature of being human. They serve as a reminder that you may be sabotaging and bullying yourself without any awareness of i

June 15, 2022Report this review