Average rating4.3
DNF - PG 15
I already see signs that I would agree with these reviews: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2314441560 && https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3118985596 && https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1709710766
And, honestly, I am cracking up about the fact that the first time I tried to read this book, I DNF'd after 39 pages and this time I only made 15. (Original DNF ‘review' to follow.) But I can already see aspects in that first chapter that make me go ‘yeah, I'm not going to enjoy this book, am I?'
I wanted to give the book another go because everyone freaking loves it (everyone loves GoT and Lies of Locke Lamora, too, but I tried the latter and know that the former would be too unrelieved darkness for me and I'm just not there for that) so it shows up on every list I come across, it seems like. (As well as the fact that I was craving another good heist story after The Medici Heist - and this ain't it. Because it just ain't. AND because retrying a previously DNF'd book gave me one of my all time favorite books ever with Ninefox Gambit. So, yeah, hope springs eternal, but these springs are dried up.)
So, yeah, I can already tell that this book is going to be a lot more ‘dark and gritty' than I like reading and I am in the process of learning to trust myself again when books scream at me ‘this is not for you!' at the top of their lungs.
(Also it amuses me greatly that I first tried this book something like six years ago and my complaints then are pretty much exactly my complaints now...so... I'm glad to see I'm consistent, anyway.)
Original ‘Review'
DNF - PG 39
So, for me to like a book, I have to like the characters. Doesn't mean they have to be good people, or even commonly considered likable. But I have to like there. There has to be something there that makes me go ‘yeah, these people are okay.'
I was already worried at the first chapter, because the POV character is so unlikable. I mean, seriously, I don't remember the last time I was so thoroughly turned off a character to quickly. Then I meet Kaz and...things did not improve, not the least because I knew he was a main character, the main character. He is also a crispy little creep.
I like thieves. I don't like gang leaders and/or gang lieutenants. I do not like it when they do their level best to treat everyone like crap. I don't like it when the character defining introduction includes dead eyes. I also do not like it - nor can I understand it - when this seventeen year old boy basically takes over a gang and EVERYONE is terrified of him. Because he's a monster. Lol
Honestly, for me and the little I read, this is a less profanity riddled The Lies of Locke Lamora - including all the reasons I couldn't stand that book.