Small Admissions

Small Admissions

2016 • 368 pages


Average rating3


I don't know why the only character who used first person here was one of the MC's college friends who had little to do with the main plot. I also don't know why the whole thing with the college professor was in there, or why so much time was spent on Sam and Nancy, who were both terrible people and unengaged parents. But the worst thing here was spoiler and content warning for violence having an unhinged parent of a rejected student come in and threaten the MC with a gun? And having the gun go off accidentally and injure the MC? And it's all kind of related in a lighthearted tone and kind of as a deus ex machina to get a deserving scholarship student admitted to the school? I mean. WHAT. I know this book came out before Parkland, but it's certainly post Columbine and Sandy Hook. I am absolutely not here for the silver linings of school shootings, even nonfatal, even accidental. It's so tone deaf, I can't even comprehend how it got published. I wasn't hugely into this book before, but after that I was all the way out. Nope. It's a shame, because some of the satire is well done and I found myself rooting for Kate, but no. Absolutely not.

July 21, 2018Report this review