Spider's Bite
2010 • 432 pages


Average rating3.8


Gin is kick-ass. A female assassin, AKA The spider, trying to track down who doubled crossed her, killed her handler, and beat up Finn, her handler's son. She crosses paths with Detective Caine. The world of elemental magic seems intriguing but it wasn't flushed out enough. Vampires, dwarves, giants, and humans seem to live amuck in this world. The novel is fast-paced which makes it a page turner but I didn't believe the romance/relationship between the Detective and Gin. It seemed forced and I think the book would have done better without the sexual tension. Also, the receptiveness of “Gold on gray” and “Mmm” was placed in the story often enough to make me roll my eyes.

August 13, 2014Report this review