Steel Guardian
2020 • 324 pages • 6h 36m


Average rating3.5


A timid robot protects an abandoned baby in a post-apocalyptic world.

The AI Uprising destroys society.

No internet, phones, or electricity. Machines turn against humans. The military SoldierBots have one function--seek and destroy.

Block is a simple CleanerBot programmed to scrub floors and serve hotel guests. Forced to leave his city, he must avoid dangerous SoldierBots and find a new hotel he can call home.

But when Block discovers a human infant, his surprise attachment to the girl compels him to protect her while traveling across the metal-infested wastelands of America to a safe haven. When he encounters Nova - a surly soldier who becomes an unlikely ally - they must tackle the biggest challenge of their lives.

Together, they face mortal danger from bands of scavengers, militaristic SoldierBots, and Combat Mechs. A cyborg Bounty Hunter will stop at nothing to find Block and the child - an infant who holds the key to humanity’s future.

If you enjoy characters with heart and page-turning adventures, then you’ll love the award-winning first book of this post-apocalyptic sci-fi series and its robot main character.