Sub Mission
2018 • 221 pages


Average rating4


I enjoyed this one quite a lot. It had a couple of smallish issues, but overall it was a pretty decent read. I'll tackle the two niggles I had with this one first. One of them was the annoying lack of communication between these two. If either of them had sat down and had a single conversation about how they were feeling instead of always a\(uming what the other meant, 99% of the drama could have been avoided. Of course, then there probably wouldn't have been a what can you do? (lol). The second issue was that the mystery aspect about the subs being murdered was pretty much nonexistent. It is used as a way to bring the two main characters together, then at the end to separate them. The rest of the time the book was mainly focused on Baker's and Seth's growing relationship. They really only go to the BDSM club once, and it is off the page. Now, this didn't bother me much in the grand scheme of things, as the relationship kept me hooked, but I think the blurb implies that the murder mystery is the central focus of the book, and that is not the case. That said, the writing was still fantastic. It was very well paced. Despite the two issues I mentioned above, the plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. Last, it was all wrapped up in a satisfying ending.

Both Seth and Baker were very likable heroes. Seth was alpha, and sexy. He was sweet. Maybe a little clueless at times. He was a fantastic Dom, and he was all about Baker from the start. Baker was also sweet. He was a virgin in terms of man on man sex. It took him a little longer to be all about Seth (not too long), but there was never any pushing away by either of these guys. Both of them were just very enjoyable characters.


There weren't a ton of secondary characters in this one, but the few we get intrigued me a lot. I'd love to read more about Landon. And I can't WAIT to read Ari and Eli's book. That last paragraph...woowee...that was smokin' hot!

High. There is a lot of kinky fuckery in this one, and I enjoyed every filthy minute of them. Obviously, 99% of the scenes were BDSM related. Spanking. Crawling. A whole slew of BDSM toys I have never heard of before (lol). That said, I did kind of wish there had been more scenes set in the club. Maybe Ari and Eli's book will have more.

Low. This was one of those easy peasy insta love types of stories. Of sure there were a few bumps here and there, but nothing that really caused too much of an issue between the couple. Most of the angst came from me wanting to tie both of them to a chair and make them actually TALK to one another instead of just always a\)uming what the other was thinking and feeling. Neither were virgins (although Baker never had sex with a man prior to Seth). Honestly, neither sexual history was really brought up. In the beginning, Baker has a Domme he has been with, and honestly, I still have NO clue if their relationship was sexual in nature, or she just helped him stay focused through BDSM. At times I figured they must have but at others times Baker alludes to it as a “business” relationship, so really, I have no clue. It is not really an important aspect anyway (lol). There was also no OW or OM drama.

I enjoyed this one a lot. It had a couple small issues, but overall it was a super enjoyable read. It was well written and fast-paced. The plot was engaging. The characters, both man and secondary were extremely likable, and the sex was both hot and plentiful. Not much more I can say, really. Therefore yours truly is going to give this one two solid thumbs up.

June 5, 2018Report this review