Average rating4
Swordcrossed's cover promises “High Heat. Low Stakes. Sharp Steel.” Are they fucking kidding me? The stakes were so high I almost had to take an emergency Xanax to get through the inevitable Dark Moment. Okay, the fate of the Victorian English magic didn't depend on these two young men (see [b:A Marvellous Light 53217284 A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding, #1) Freya Marske https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1634067514l/53217284.SY75.jpg 80535939] and the rest of the Last Binding trilogy), but it would have been a tragedy of epic proportions in my mind if they never kissed again.I wasn't surprised to learn that Marske wrote the initial draft of this book before her breakout, Last Binding. The worldbuilding isn't as sophisticated, and the plot is 85% “when will they bone?” MC #1, Serious Young Man With Responsibilities and MC #2, Charming Con Man With a Secret engage in delightful banter, and their chemistry is palpable. Their character growth is predictable but engaging. The Third Act Breakup isn't dragged out for too long and the climactic scene is fiendishly clever. And no dead bodies (despite the "sharp steel")!If Marske goes on to have a long, distinguished writing career, Swordcrossed may well be considered one of her less substantial entries. But sometimes you just want a good time with an author who knows what she's doing. No Xanax required.