Tales from Another Mother Runner: Triumphs, Trials, Tips, and Tricks from the Road

Tales from Another Mother Runner

Triumphs, Trials, Tips, and Tricks from the Road

2015 • 219 pages

I was all in for this: personal stories and largely recreational runners? Sure! It was made bitter by the current injustice around the murder of Ahmaud Arbery while he was taking a jog around a neighbourhood in a city in Georgia, USA by two vigilante white men.

I did a very brief google image search of the contributors and only one author seems to be a visible minority out of 22. Made me wonder how different this book would look if it had been differently compiled (it also feels very US, but I wasn't about to google harder to confirm)

Otherwise: lighthearted, humourous, with some touching stories about grief and illness.

May 10, 2020Report this review